Friday, June 27, 2008

'Bout that time, eh chaps?

Hello hello!

Welcome to my Australia blog!

For those of you who don't know, in the next couple of weeks, I am going to be leaving my job (sadtimes), packing my bags (stressfultimes), getting on a plane (crazytimes), and embarking on a five month adventure to the great Down Under (excitingtimes). During that time, I am hoping to keep up this blog. I am notoriously bad at these kinds of things (I draw your attention to blogger, livejournal and countless composition notebooks with only a couple of pages filled), but the best laid plans of mice and men, eh?

So here's the game plan: I depart on July 14th and arrive in Alice Springs, Northern Territory, AUSTRALIA(!) on July 17th after 25+ hours on various airplanes and some sound sleeping in airport terminals. I'll be enjoying the hospitality of a very obliging aunt and uncle and some wonderful cousins (some of whom I can't wait to meet for the first time!) until December 16th. So, in the spirit of the egotism that pervades the internet age, I will be maintaining this blog so that people can follow my adventures.

I am shooting for weekly updates complete with pictures, tales of my derring do, and the occasional witty anecdote. Should be fun, no?

So check back whenever you like. I'll try to find a tech-savvy friend to help me spruce this guy up before I take off. Any volunteers?

But most importantly, I'd like to thank my friends and family for supporting me and all that jazz. I'll miss you guys!


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