Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day 5: Losing my heart to New Zealand, one day at a time

Saturday, September 6th~
What a beautiful day! Chelsea and Scotty, our tour leaders, basically rock the house. We have a small group; usually they have around 30-36, but there are only 10 of us, all girls. It’s a pretty great group. My friend Vicki (from last night’s dinner excursion) is on the tour, too, which is fun. Here’s the group: Vicki (England), Emma (Scotland), Laura H. (England), Vanesha (England), Laura B. (Northern Ireland), Debra (Northern Ireland), Laura T. (England), Megan (England), and Tracey (Adelaide, Australia). The UK has incredibly strong representation. Word up.

Today was a lot of sight-seeing, but all sights well worth seeing, I assure you. New Zealand is an unspeakably beautiful country. The Southern Alps are nothing short of spectacular. Scotty took us on a hike to see a mini-glacier. It was breathtaking (no, not because I’m out of shape. I did alright.), walking through the valley beneath the snow-topped mountains. When we got to the end of the trail, we looked out at the glacier (which was hard to distinguish because of all of the gravel heaped around it. Apparently that’s the glacial thing to do, cover yourself in gravel.). And there, towering behind it, stood Mount Cook, New Zealand’s highest peak. Truly an awesome sight.

This evening, we stayed at a hotel- quite a nice change after several days of hostel-ing it. We had a nice dinner at the hotel restaurant, followed by a couple of drinks at the adjoining bar. I quite enjoyed Speight’s Old Dark Ale. Thank God New Zealand has a handle on dark beer!

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